Six Sigma Explained In Six Steps- The Details Behind The Glitz And Glam

By Craig Calvin

When businesses are looking to eliminate defects in their production process, and improve the quality of the products that they are manufacturing, they often turn to Six Sigma. Six Sigma is a set of processes and tools that will help you analyze your current production process, determine what the causes of the defects are, and help you determine the ideal solution to the problems. Six Sigma is not something you can just decide to implement on your own though. Their is extensive training needed to understand the processes and tools that are involved, and the more experience you have using Six Sigma, the more likely you will be to achieve your desired results. Below is an introduction that will outline the steps in the Six Sigma process for those who are unfamiliar with Six Sigma.

It is very important, if you are going to bring Six Sigma into your business, that the owners of the business, or at least the upper management of your business are behind this decision. Six Sigma will require formal training for individuals who will be on the project but do not have the necessary certification. It is also recommended that you either bring in consultants with extensive Six Sigma experience, or hire an experienced Six Sigma project manager, who can guide you through the process until the employees in your business become more experienced themselves.

After you have the support of your senior management, the next step is to make sure all of the employees in your company are on board as well. Most people are resistant to change, especially when the change is forced on them. If you include as many employees as possible in the Six Sigma process then they will have a say in the changes that are being considered, and therefore they will be more willing to implement these changes when they are finalized.

When the Six Sigma project starts the first step is to define what process you are looking to improve, and why. You will need to collect as much raw data as possible related to the number of defects, what types of defects they are, and any other data you can collect. Once the data is collected it needs to be quantified, or turned into numeric values that can represent different types of defects, so it can be properly analyzed. Six Sigma makes use of many statistical tools to analyze the quantitative data which will provide a more accurate picture of where the problems are, and what the underlying problems may be. You cannot begin to determine a change plan without first being sure that you going to change the process that truly need it.

The final two steps go hand-in-hand. Improvements will be made after analysis is complete, and then those improvements need to be controlled after the project has been completed in order to keep things running smoothly. Random events can occur, and things can happen that can require much more attention than usual after a Six Sigma Process is completed, causing problems if the team or process owner isn't prepared. As you can see, Six Sigma is more than just a fancy buzzword that catches a lot of attention. It is a very detailed process of improving processes and products within an organization that requires a lot of special training and business skill. - 32179

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When Using Six Sigma Sometimes It Helps To Bring In A New Point Of View

By Craig Calvin

In an ideal world, when your business introduces the Six Sigma methodology to improve the existing processes within the organization, the Six Sigma project would be staffed with internal employees. When you train your employees in the Six Sigma methodology it not only helps these employees feel like they are important to the future plans of the business, but it will also help the Six Sigma project since you will have individuals on the project who know both Six Sigma and your business. After gaining the necessary training and experience you will eventually have employees who complete the Six Sigma Black Belt certification, and can run their own Six Sigma projects.

Ideally, you would like to use as many internal employees as possible on a Six Sigma project, as long as they have the necessary experience and training. If you hire external Six Sigma efforts to lead your Six Sigma projects there is a perception that these individuals will not be as effective as internal employees with Six Sigma training. Even though these people may have Six Sigma training, the assumption is that you would still have to provide training so they could get up to speed with the way you operate, which would take time and money.

Employees that already work with the company are already trained and familiar with the culture and objectives. However, this knowledge and previous training can inhibit their critical problem solving abilities because they will be limited in their resources. The solution is? Hire outside resources as team leaders for Six Sigma Projects and you can gain more insight and get a different perspective on how to resolve the problem from someone with an unbiased opinion.

If you bring in an outside Six Sigma Black Belt to run your Six Sigma efforts it does provide a greater opportunity for objectivity in your Six Sigma project. An outside Six Sigma Black Belt, who is brought in as a project manager for your Six Sigma effort, will be more open to new ideas, will provide new ideas of their own, and will help guide the project team to consider as many options as possible when determining the ideal solution.

Another benefit to hiring outside sources to complete Six Sigma Projects is that there will be no inherent tendency for a person to think within a certain limit to protect their territory. When people are afraid of change, it is often because they fear losing their place. Therefore, the solution to the problem will be more focused on how to improve things while protecting one's place within the organization. Bringing in outside resources with the right Six Sigma training can be beneficial to any company. Not only will it allow for objectivity, but it will also help foster growth and learning between the Six Sigma team and the members or employees of the organization. - 32179

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Lean Six Sigma Process

By Helen Carswell

Originated by Motorola, the Lean Six Sigma process is a business management strategy that uses a detailed plan and measurable targets to get quality output. Six Sigma removes the obstacles that cause errors and creates a quality process. Leading U.S. companies like Staples, Bank of America, GlaxoSmithKline, and Ford have used the strategy for process quality to outperform competitors and run successful operations for years.

The original Six Sigma process was focused primarily on quality output. Many companies, though, have begun to integrate Lean principles, which emphasize quick turnaround time and eliminating waste in the manufacturing process. Lean manufacturing adheres to cutting actual process time, having zero inventories and zero wait time, and a production system built on the internal customer pulling the process rather than each department pushing the process along.

Each Six Sigma company has a core of process experts in the structure of the organization whose experience help move an idea or product toward a finish. Process experts can be certified as white belts, green belts, black belts, or master black belts, depending on their level of expertise. Companies benefit from these professionals monetarily: a black belt can save a company about $230,000 on a given project and does up to six projects per year. General Electric has revealed that during its first five years using Six Sigma strategies, it was able to save about $10 billion.

Six Sigma does have its shortcomings as a concept. Some business analysts have noted that the simplicity of the strategy has all but disappeared. So many experts and "business scientists" have added so many formulas; statistics and complex calculating process that many people need a tutor just to stay ahead of the curve and understand the lingo. Six Sigma was bound to become complex. The more people who have jumped on the bandwagon, the greater the effort to keep the "secret" of it a pass code for an exclusive club.

Another trend that may have affected the worldwide grasp of Six Sigma is the national shift in the type of manufactured goods. At one point in the history of the U.S., almost everything manufactured was a tangible good - or something you could hold in your hands. Six Sigma formulas were appropriate when the success of those products needed to be measured in numbers. Now, many things released on the market are intangibles like information or ideas. The numbers do not make as much sense for measuring those things. Fortune magazine places the number of top 100 companies that still do tangible goods at 32. The rest of the companies manufacture services or ideas.

For those who want hands-on expertise in order to work through the Six Sigma process, there is the Six Sigma Center of Excellence. This is an Indonesia-based facility that houses core experts in the field and deploys them to companies around the world for consulting opportunities. In early fall 2009; the Center completed an executive briefing session in which leaders traveled to Indonesia for a daylong conference on Six Sigma principles. The conference focused on how to implement Six Sigma during economically uncertain times.

Those who are interested in streamlining their processes should not be intimidated by Six Sigma learning. The amount of waste that will be saved is worth the education you receive about the process. Six Sigma employees are sharp workers: they do not waste resources, talent or company time. - 32179

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Six Sigma Process- Exploiting The Naysayers

By Craig Calvin

There are many critics of the Six Sigma methodology who insist that it is nothing more then a waste of time and money, and it is more of a hindrance to your business then it is a help. There are, however, many successful business who have implemented Six Sigma, and seen the results first hand. The critics of Six Sigma are often those who have not been trained properly and do not have adequate Six Sigma experience, and therefore they have not been part of a successful implementation of Six Sigma. If you are trying to decide if Six Sigma is right for your company, you should talk to some experienced Six Sigma experts at companies where Six Sigma continues to help improve quality and eliminate defects.

The fact is, Six Sigma is a complicated process that requires thorough training and it helps if you have experience with the process. People who tell you Six Sigma does not work have probably never had Six Sigma training, and do not understand how the research, processes and tools can help you improve your quality, reduce the number of defects in your process, increase revenue, reduce expenses and improve customer satisfaction. If you examine the Six Sigma methodology logically, it makes sense though. The only way to eliminate defects, and improve quality, is to do the necessary research to determine what the root cause of these defects are, and then research possible solutions to see which will be the most effective.

When you are going to make a significant decision in your company, you need to consider how it will impact your customers, that is what is most important to your future success. When you are going to implement Six Sigma, your focus should be on how it will increase your customer satisfaction, eliminate defects, and improve quality, all great things for your customers. The happiness of your customers is certainly more important then what some other people may be saying about the Six Sigma methodology, especially when their opinions are most likely biased or uninformed.

The problem with the people who don't agree with the practices of Six Sigma is that they've never been given the genuine opportunity to share their process improvement with a Six Sigma team, so they're highly uninformed about the process as a whole. If they have never used Six Sigma, where do they get the authority to say that it's not useful to a business?

Don't be deterred from using such a useful and versatile process just because a few people are trying to convince some others that it is a herd mentality, a buzz word, an ineffective tool, or anything else when it truly is a great process improvement methodology to work with. Only the people within an organization can determine if Six Sigma is right for their needs, but everyone should at least give it one chance, because the use of quantified data can add a fresh perspective to almost any business. - 32179

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How Six Sigma Can Help Eliminate Variations

By Craig Calvin

The Six Sigma Methodology was specifically designed to address variations in the manufacturing industry that could be fixed or redesigned to produce a better end result than what is currently in place. By taking the time to learn the proper methods of the Six Sigma Process, and how it benefits any company that has a process that needs improvement, you might realize that it is a lot less hype than many people claim and that it can actually improve your business significantly in very short amounts of time. The process begins with data collection and measurements to determine the scope of the improvements that are needed.

First, you will need to understand the common variations that can occur in any process that will cause it to produce higher defects than it should. Then you will need to study the proper Six Sigma Training methods and practices to figure out how to determine the root cause of those variances and fix the problems where they start. For example, if one in every 10 orders placed through your company is not processed correctly, there is probably an underlying problem in the computer servers that needs to be addressed, streamlined, or remodeled in order to achieve the best end result and success rate.

Once you have determined where your variations are, and how they are impacting your final product, you can work to eliminate the variations. For example, if you manufacture widgets, and may be able to decrease the number of defective widgets from one in a thousand to one in three hundred thousand. If you make this improvement you will see a decrease in your production expenses, since you will not be wasting as much material, and an increase in profit since you will have more widgets to sell then before.

The key to getting rid of defects and lowering the rates at which they occur is understanding the variances and how they occur in the first place. Nonetheless, this information might seem complicated and overwhelming at first. However, when you take the time to learn proper Six Sigma Training or hire a professional team that knows the Six Sigma Process, you will definitely see an improvement in your variation rate and your defect ratio no matter what the process or product might be.

If you think your business will benefit from the use of Six Sigma, then it is critical that you receive the necessary training. A certified Six Sigma practitioner can help reduce the defects in your products which will result in a reduction in expenses and an increase in profits for your business. - 32179

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Considering Starting Your Own Website? Here Are Some Tips

By Craig Calvin

Are you considering starting your own website? For many people who are looking for work, or who are looking for a career change, starting your own online business is a great way to do something you love, without all of the expenses associated with stating a new business. If you are considering starting your own website, here are some important tips you should be aware of.

There are more and more people out of work, due to the economic troubles across the nation. It is becoming more and more difficult to find a job, since there are more and more people applying for the limited number of jobs that become available. If you have decided to start your own business, then making it an online business is a great way to eliminate many of the start up expenses associated with a new business, and it will also help to keep your operating expenses to a minimum. Obviously your website will be the most important aspect of your online business, but creating your own website is not difficult and not expensive.

If you are looking to establish an online retail business, the best way to start your business is to take advantage of the tools that are available on certain websites, like Yahoo Stores. Yahoo will provide you with an online store where you can sell your merchandise, provide a shopping cart for your customers, and process payments for your business, all for under fifty dollars a month. Another benefit of Yahoo Stores is that the site will calculate shipping charges for you. If you are looking for an advantage over other business that use Yahoo Stores, and offer products similar to what you are offering, you could consider offering free shipping. You can calculate the shipping costs yourself, based on the furthest locations you will ship to, and then include these costs when you are establishing pricing for your products. Then you can offer free shipping to your customers without actually having to pay the shipping costs yourself.

Getting ranked on Google and Yahoo has become a big part of the game for online business owners. Obviously, there is 'pay per click', where you are literally paying every time someone clicks your ad. It does insure that you will be at the top of the search list, and can be customized and targeted to limit the amount of click-throughs. (A click-through is when a customer clicks on your ad and quickly leaves your site without buying anything). For those that have the budget, ad words can definitely jump start an online business.

If your business start-up costs do not include room for an ad word campaign, then you need to do it the 'old-fashioned' way with blogs. Setting up a free blog account is easy and literally involves you writing about your products with a link included to your website. Search engines give these blogs a fairly high ranking and while they may last only for a short time (which is why you need to do it daily) they can be a part of a successful do-it-yourself campaign. So, choose your product, find your manufacturers, choose an easy online store, put your ad word campaign in place, or start blogging, and hopefully you will soon have customers at your online business front door. - 32179

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Make The Most Of Your Business Relationships

By Craig Calvin

When you work in an office, one of the most important skills you can have is your inter-personal skills. How you relate to your co-workers and business associates is not only critical to your day to day responsibilities, but it can also help if you are looking for a new job.

The number of unemployed individuals in the U.S. is the highest it has been in a long time. There are more companies reducing the size of their staff then there are companies who are hiring new employees. If there are jobs available that you are interested in, or are qualified for, the competition for these jobs is probably going to be tougher then it has ever been before. You need every advantage you can get to help you get noticed by companies that are hiring, and if you have a strong business network, someone in that network may be able to help.

The use of networking has been a well established business practice for generations. If you need to get something done at your current job, are just looking to see what things are like at other companies, or are actively looking for a new job, the individuals in your network are traditionally an excellent resource to help you achieve your goal. If you can make connections within your company, across companies, even across industries, and cultivate these relationships, it can prove to be very beneficial. The more you offer to help others, the more likely they will be able to help you when you need it, and with today's job market, if you are looking for a job, you may never need it more. The people in your network may know of jobs that have not been well publicized, they may be able to provide a reference for you if you are applying for a job at their company, or they may be able to make sure that your resume is seen by the right people.

Social networking is another great way to connect with people who may be in a position to help you find employment. There are more and more professionals who are part of Facebook and MySpace now and the numbers keep growing. Maybe you can re-connect with someone from high school or college who knows of a job opening that would be perfect for you. The more people you are connected with via social networking, the more people you have who can keep their eyes and ears open for you, and help you get your foot in the door if a position is available.

Between the tried and true methods and the rapid-growing popularity of the new social sites, there has never been a better time to ask for help. - 32179

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How to Maximize The Results of Your Six Sigma Project

By Craig Calvin

An effective Six Sigma Process cannot be achieved without proper support of the improvements that will be made. When it comes to planning Six Sigma Projects, it is essential to ask anyone with a vested interest in the company or organization which projects they think the company is most in need of. This includes getting the input and approval of management, employees, customers, and even shareholders or others with some interest in the company, no matter how small.

Human nature is to resist change, people tend to like things the way they are. But for your business change is often necessary if you want to succeed, and continue to grow. In business, the best way to eliminate resistance to change, and to convince your stakeholders to instead embrace change, is to include the stakeholders in the process from the beginning. When your stakeholders are included in the decision making process, and have their say as to what should change and how, they will not resist the changes. In addition, including your stakeholders in this process will allow for more ideas and give you a better understanding of where the problems are, which should produce more complete solution.

There are many ways to seek the input of all of your stakeholders to include them in the process. You can form focus groups of individuals from each area, to represent their larger group. You can also ask for input via e-mail, or suggestion cards, you can distribute questionnaires; there are many ways to include your stakeholders in the process. In addition to obtaining the input of all of your stakeholders, you should also make sure that you have an individual, or individuals, with advanced Six Sigma training on the project to ensure that the Six Sigma tools and methodologies are being used properly, and that the project is staying on track.

Including all of these groups in your project will most likely result in a longer design process, since there will be more suggestions, and more feedback. The longer this process takes the longer it will be before the change is implemented, and the more expensive the project becomes for your company. While there may be additional expenses during the project, due to the larger number of people, when the project is completed the company should end up with a better quality product, with less defects and waste, which will help offset the larger project costs.

If your Six Sigma project is related to the design of a new product or service, then you are probably using the Six Sigma DFSS methodology to ensure that you are designing the highest quality product possible from day one. If you are looking to continuously improve existing processes or products, through the elimination of defect and increasing efficiency then you are mist likely using the Six Sigma DMAIC methodology. In either scenario, the more input you have from every relevant group, the better your chances are for success, and the better it is for your company. - 32179

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DMAIC - Help Your Company With Six Sigma

By Craig Calvin

If you are looking to improve quality, and eliminate defects in your company's products or processes then Six Sigma is the ideal solution. Six Sigma can be applied to one specific problem that your company is facing, but more importantly it can be used as a continuous improvement process that will help your business both now and in the future. Six Sigma training can be expensive for a company, so it makes sense to continue to use the training to improve as many aspects of the business as possible.

When implementing Six Sigma in your company, and applying its use to projects, it is ideal to focus on one certain aspect of a project to improve. If you are trying to implement Six Sigma processes across an entire project then it become a very large effort, and you will not realize the benefits of the Six Sigma process. If you continue to focus on smaller projects, or specific aspects of a larger effort then you will improve the quality of what you are working on. If you continue to do this over and over, on numerous projects you will see significant benefits for your company.

There are several different Six Sigma processes, that are geared torwards different projects or efforts. The DMAIC process is the Six Sigma process that is geared towards continuous improvement. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. When you apply the DMAIC principals and tools towards a specific aspect of a project or process you can help improve the quality of that process or project and eliminate defects.

Consider the following example: If you are a company that makes widgets you can start looking at the asssemble process for your widgets. You can try to streamline the process, eliminating steps that create a lot of waste, and combining steps where appropriate to increase efficency. You can also help eliminate defects in the production process by making the process more simple. You can analyze where the most defects occur in the process, and then modify that part of the process to eliminate the defects.

Another benefit of using continuous improvement processes is that you can learn from one quality improvement project and use those principles on the next Six Sigma Projects that your company undertakes. For example, if you find an analysis tool that is especially helpful, or virtually useless for that matter, you can relay that information to make sure that all future projects are aware of the benefits or disadvantages of that tool. Ultimately, DMAIC presents the perfect model to be used for continuing efforts with Six Sigma Projects rather than it being a one-time thing. - 32179

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DFSS - The Best Way To Design A High Quality Product

By Craig Calvin

Many businesses are already familiar with Six Sigma, and how it can help improve the quality of existing products and processes within your organization. When a business is looking to improve quality, and eliminate defects, they can use the Six Sigma DMAIC method to help improve their business. The DMAIC method stands for define, measure, analyze, improve, control. This method is great when you are looking to improve something that is already in place, but is not ideal when designing a new product or process. When you are looking to introduce a new product to your business you should use DFSS, Design for Six Sigma.

If your organization is considering adding a new product or service, the decision to use DFSS should be made at the start of the design process. DFSS can be an instrumental part of your new design, however trying to implement DFSS in the middle of your design, or at the end, is not a very efficient use of the method. The purpose of DFSS is to eliminate defects in your new product or service from the very beginning, and its use requires the expertise of individuals who have had advanced Six Sigma training. DFSS may extend your design process, and it may create more work, but in the end the product or service you are implementing will be greatly improved for it.

Design for Six Sigma is actually comprised of several different methodologies. While the goals of each methodology are the same, design the highest quality product or process possible, the steps in each methodology are a little different. This allows you to choose the best methodology for your business. Some of the different DFSS methodologies are:

-IDOV: Identify, Design, Optimize, and Validate. This process allows for optimization of the process or product through modeling, simulation, and statistics. These Six Sigma Tools are used to predict and optimize the performance and design of the product or process.

-DAMDV: Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify. The need of customers is defined based on research, and then that need is measured and bench marked based on the competition or other industries already meeting the same needs. The options are analyzed, and the design is created and its performance is verified.

Define, Customer Concept, Design, and Implement (DCCDI). The DCCDI methodology also focuses on defining customers needs, but there is an added emphasis on the implementation phase of the effort. The implementation phase is where the product or process will be created and rolled out to your customers.

If your company is looking to design a new product or process, and you are looking to optimize the quality and efficiency of this product from the very beginning, then you should strongly consider the use of DFSS. DFSS will optimize your product's quality, and there are many different DFSS strategies, which allows you to pick the strategy that best meets the needs of your business. - 32179

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Designing A New Product? DFSS Will Help Make It The Best

By Craig Calvin

Six Sigma most commonly relates to the DMAIC methodology (define, measure, analyze, improve, control). This process is used to optimize existing products and processes that aren't quite up to par or could use some tweaking. However, for those who are looking to create new products or processes, the concept of DFSS is much more practical. Design for Six Sigma practices are not universal like DMAIC practices are, and are used for specific new creations that will meet customers' expectations from the start. Hence, Six Sigma DFSS is a much more 'approach-based' practice than DMAIC, which is more of an optimization process that stands alone.

When your business is looking to design a new product or service, DFSS will help you design the highest quality product possible, while eliminating the number of defects right from the start. DFSS makes use of many advanced Six Sigma tools, so it is recommended that your project team has indivduals who are experienced users of Six Sigma, with advanced training.

Within the Design for Six Sigma Methodology, there are numerous variations that can be used depending on the exact needs of the organization that is employing the DFSS process, as explained below:

-IDOV: Identify, Design, Optimize, and Validate. This process allows for optimization of the process or product through modeling, simulation, and statistics. These Six Sigma Tools are used to predict and optimize the performance and design of the product or process.

-DAMDV: Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify. The need of customers is defined based on research, and then that need is measured and benchmarked based on the competition or other industries already meeting the same needs. The options are analyzed, and the design is created and its performance is verified.

The DCCDI strategy stands for Define, Customer Concept, Design, and Implement. The DCCDI strategy is comparable to the DAMDV strategy. The main difference between the two is the fact that DCCDI has an implementation phase, which is when the product or process is created and deployed.

If your company is looking to design a new product or process, and you are looking to optimize the quality and efficiency of this product from the very beginning, then you should strongly consider the use of DFSS. DFSS will optimize your product's quality, and there are many different DFSS strategies, which allows you to pick the strategy that best meets the needs of your business. - 32179

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Six Sigma DFSS Explored- An In-Depth Discussion of DFSS

By Craig Calvin

Six Sigma most commonly relates to the DMAIC methodology (define, measure, analyze, improve, control). This process is used to optimize existing products and processes that aren't quite up to par or could use some tweaking. However, for those who are looking to create new products or processes, the concept of DFSS is much more practical. Design for Six Sigma practices are not universal like DMAIC practices are, and are used for specific new creations that will meet customers' expectations from the start. Hence, Six Sigma DFSS is a much more 'approach-based' practice than DMAIC, which is more of an optimization process that stands alone.

If your organization is considering adding a new product or service, the decision to use DFSS should be made at the start of the design process. DFSS can be an instrumental part of your new design, however trying to implement DFSS in the middle of your design, or at the end, is not a very efficient use of the method. The purpose of DFSS is to eliminate defects in your new product or service from the very beginning, and its use requires the expertise of individuals who have had advanced Six Sigma training. DFSS may extend your design process, and it may create more work, but in the end the product or service you are implementing will be greatly improved for it.

Within the Design for Six Sigma Methodology, there are numerous variations that can be used depending on the exact needs of the organization that is employing the DFSS process, as explained below:

The IDOV strategy stands for Identify, Design, Optimize, and Validate. IDOV uses Six Sigma tools that allow the design team to model the new process or product, simulate how the process or product will perform, and then use statistical analysis to analyze the results. This process allows you to see how your process or product will perform at the early stages of the project.

Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify (DAMDV). The DAMDV methodology focuses on defining the needs of the customers in the most detailed level possible. Once the customer needs are fully defined, you can then research how other businesses are meeting these needs, and analyze how effective they are. After the analysis you should be able to determine which designs are most effective at meeting the needs of your customers, which will help you design the highest quality product or process possible.

Define, Customer Concept, Design, and Implement (DCCDI). The DCCDI methodology also focuses on definining customers needs, but there is an added emphasis on the implementation phase of the effort. The implementation phase is where the product or process will be created and rolled out to your customers.

If your company is looking to design a new product or process, and you are looking to optimize the quality and efficiency of this product from the very beginning, then you should strongly consider the use of DFSS. DFSS will optimize your product's quality, and there are many different DFSS strategies, which allows you to pick the strategy that best meets the needs of your business. - 32179

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Need Six Sigma Training? Find it Online

By Craig Calvin

Getting online Six Sigma Certification can add so much to an individual's credentials. Classroom courses and seminars that offer training are great, but the convenience of online learning in any capacity just can't be beat. Training for Six Sigma Certification online will afford you many advantages over attending traditional classes. Ultimately, though, the choice in where you are educated will be your decision or the decision of the employer that is providing the training to you.

You should definitely be aware of online training programs as a method of Six Sigma Certification. With today's fast-paced lifestyle and economic discord, it's easy to find reasons why traditional classes can't be taken. Either they're too expensive, they're too time-consuming, or they just don't make the best sense for your particular educational needs when it comes to learning the Six Sigma Process.

When selecting an online training program there are many factors that should be considered. The most important thing you should do is make sure that the online training program will satisfy your training requirements, and includes any formal certification testing that may be required. You should also look at the style of the program, and how clearly the materials are presented.

If you are looking for an online Six Sigma certification program there will be many programs for you to choose from. You should try to find out as much information about each program as possible, including reviews of the programs that are from an independant site, or individuals that have used the program. You should not put to much stock into any testimonials that are located on the training providers site, since they are biased. You should also see if the program offers a free demo course, just to see how confortable you are with the process, and with the way the information will be presented.

Online training is no longer looked at as an inferior option to instructor led training. Many large companies are moving more and more of their training to online programs, whether these programs are being created in house, or provided by a vendor. Online training is extremely convienent, and very effective, and the cost savings compared to instructor led training is an added bonus. - 32179

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What Jobs Are Available During Out Current Economic Crisis

By Craig Calvin

As the current economic trouble in the country continues, more and more people are finding themselves out of work. Whether they have been laid off recently, or unable to find a job because companies are not hiring, or the job market is too competitive, the number of unemployed Americans is at an all time high. Trying to find work in the current job market is an overwhelming task, you do not know where to look, or even what job is right for you. In this article we have some tips and suggestions on jobs that are still flurishing despite the economic trouble, and information to see if the jobs are right for you.

Many companies are laying off employees because it is cheaper to outsource the work to another country, where the labor is considerably cheaper. There are certain jobs that cannot be outsourced, and are always hiring individuals, these are jobs for individuals with trades skills. Jobs that fit in this category are construction, electrical work, plumbing, auto mechanics, or any other job where you have a specific trade skill, and require you to work at a specific job site. If you are currently unemployed and considering going to school for a degree in a new field, consider a trade skill. In addition to the cost savings vs. attending a college or university, trade school programs also take less time, which means you will be out of school and working quicker.

Another area that is immune to any specific country's economy is the internet - if there seems to be a shortage of paying jobs in your local area, and you don't have the time or resources for a long daily commute to another part of the state, then consider working online. There are a large number of different jobs available online in a variety of fields. With thousands of new websites being created each day, and each of these sites requiring programmers, web developers, graphic designers, writers, and other employees, there is no shortage in available positions. Many people get hired on a contractual or freelance basis, with individual projects being assigned, although there are plenty of opportunities for long-term employment. Using your skills to your advantage can help you find a job online in the area that's right for you.

Government jobs might not have a reputation for paying much, but they generally offer good benefits and excellent stability - if you're having a tough time finding work with an independent company, signing up with the state might help you keep paychecks coming in. State employees offer a higher level of job security and generally receive extra help when it comes to staying afloat in the current economy.

For more information about the various types of jobs to look for during financial crisis, as well as information on general business, employment, and career practices, take a look online - there is plenty of advice and information pertaining to a number of different fields of work. - 32179

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